Many individuals still don’t believe PHP can be used for large, successful projects in a time when elite organisations are adopting pretty daunting, large-scaled tech stacks for their backend. You’d be surprised, though. What do Facebook, MailChimp, Slack, and Etsy, among other Fortune 500 Internet startups and corporate behemoths, have in common? They’re businesses that run their entire computing infrastructure on PHP. PHP delivers world-class support for building small-to-large mobile and online products, whether it’s Lyft using PHP to run one of the world’s largest ride-sharing databases or Slack using PHP for the majority of its server-side application logic.

What is PHP?

Rasmus Lerdorf introduced PHP as a simple server-side scripting language in 1994 as a tiny open-source project. PHP stands for Personal Home Page in its initial form. PHP is a hypertext preprocessor that is now well-known.

Here’s a quick and sweet rundown of PHP:

  • Hypertext Processor (PHP) is an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor.
  • It is an open-source scripting language that is widely utilised in small and big industrial applications.
  • PHP scripts are directly run on the server.
  • Its compilers and extensions can be downloaded and used for free.

PHP, like any other prominent scripting language, allows web developers to embed logic directly into the development of web page content and efficiently manage data returned from the web browser.

The language is naturally designed to extract relevant data for display on a web page, saving any relevant information supplied by a website visitor into a database defined by its script.

In general, PHP consists of two simple moving parts: 

  1. The scripting language
  2. The interpreter.

PHP Based integration

PHP-based web solutions via SOAP and REST

Web services (application services) are one of the most significant aspects of modern development since they centralise data and allow users to access it from a variety of sources such as the web, software, and apps. Interoperability between two languages is provided by web services. We may easily construct a web service for our website since web services are simple to understand and make. You can create your web service in a variety of ways.

  1. SOAP { Simple Object Access Protocol }.
  2. REST{ Representational State Transfer }
    What is SOAP?

    SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a long-standing standards-based web services access protocol. SOAP, which was created by Microsoft, isn’t as straightforward as the term suggests.

      SOAP Advantages

  • Independent of language, platform, and mode of transportation (REST requires the use of HTTP)
  • Standardized 
  • Provides extensive pre-build flexibility in the form of the WS* standards. • Works well in distributed enterprise situations (REST presupposes direct point-to-point connection).
  •  Error handling built-in 

Soap, originally known as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a brilliant technology that can assist you in designing great apps (until the acronym was dropped in version 1.2). SOAP is a web service protocol that is based on XML. In other words, SOAP is a basic XML-based protocol that allows programs to exchange data over HTTP. SOAP-Envelope is used to transport information in SOAP. It features a standard architecture for developing web services.

There is a built-in extension for creating and receiving web services in PHP 5. However, there are a number of PHP libraries that may be used to develop soap-based web services.

The SOAP extension implements a large subset of SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.1 specifications.


Pear packages:

What is REST?.
Another standard, REST (Representational State Transfer), was created in reaction to SOAP’s inadequacies. It aims to address SOAP’s shortcomings and provide a more user-friendly manner of interacting with web services.
REST Advantages
  • Interacting with the online service does not necessitate the use of any pricey software.
  • A more manageable learning curve
  • Effective (SOAP uses XML for all messages, REST can use smaller message formats)
  • Quickly (no extensive processing required)
  • In terms of design philosophy, it’s closer to other web technologies.

It is the simplest technology for creating web services. Its abbreviation is RST (Representational State Transfer) (REST). It’s becoming increasingly popular in the realm of web services these days. For request and response, there is no requirement to use the XML data interchange standard.

The responses from REST web services can be in XML, JSON, or even HTML format. DOM functions, SimpleXML functions, and JSON encode/decode functions are just a few of the PHP functions that can handle this type of response or request.

Two concerns are at the heart of REST architecture:

  • Resources: The functionality of the programme, is represented by a unique URL.
  • Interface: HTTP methods provide an interface for gaining access to the resources.

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